Resolving Power Line Disputes in Eminent Domain Cases
Utilities require vast tracts of land to establish infrastructure. In Texas, utility companies possess eminent domain authority to confiscate private land for utility lines, pipelines, and more. A common example involves taking easements or rights-of-way for power lines.
With the increased emphasis on renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power, the need for electrical transmission lines has also increased. Power line projects typically require a continuous route that stretches dozens or even hundreds of miles. While these projects may only require rights-of-way, the presence of high-voltage transmission lines can still degrade your property value. Both small- and large-scale projects take a steep toll on property owners.
Discuss the implications of a power line on your land in a free consultation.
Know Your Rights
If your property has been targeted for a power line project, you should take steps to protect yourself.
You have important rights as a landowner, including:
- The right to due process: Utilities cannot simply swoop in and take your property. They must provide you with adequate notice and an opportunity to be heard. You have the right to challenge the exercise of eminent domain - even in court, if necessary.
- The right to just compensation: The utility must compensate you not only for the fair market value of the property, but also for any detrimental impact on your property as a whole. You have the right to hire your own appraiser to evaluate the loss.
Don't give up important property rights by accepting the first offer that comes your way. The utility company is looking out for its own interests, not yours. Level the playing field with our help.
Trusted Legal Advice from McDowell Law Group LLP
At McDowell Law Group LLP, we work exclusively to protect your rights and interests. Our Houston eminent domain lawyers regularly represent Texas landowners and homeowners in eminent domain matters. We can help ensure that you get fair compensation for your property. Our team can also challenge the taking. If needed, we will apply time-tested litigation skills to fight for your interests in condemnation proceedings.
Discover what rights and options are available to you. We can listen to your concerns and work closely with you to develop a tailored strategy that aims to maximize your interests.
Contact our firm at (713) 496-0504. The initial consultation is free.

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