Personal Injury Drilling Rig Blowouts

Injured in an Oil Rig Accident?

Our Houston Oil Rig Accident Lawyers Will Stand by Your Side

Working on a drilling rig can be dangerous. Improper maintenance, safety issues or defective rig equipment can lead to a blowout or explosion, leaving visitors and personnel seriously injured or fatally wounded.

If you have been injured in an oil rig blowout, you may have a personal injury claim. At McDowell Law Group LLP, our Houston oil rig accident attorneys represent clients injured in drilling accidents caused by another person's negligence. We have the technical resources and legal experience to help you pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries. At our firm, you work directly with our lawyers one-on-one throughout the entirety of your case.

When pressure builds in an oil rig, either offshore or on land, the resulting explosion can lead to devastating injuries, including:

We Fight for the Compensation You Are Owed

Our oil rig accident lawyers in Houston help clients across Texas and the Gulf Coast pursue compensation in third-party liability claims and from insurers for their injuries. If you have been injured by an oil rig blowout, we can help you secure lost wages, medical costs, and damages for pain and suffering. If you lost a loved one in a fatal oil rig accident, our attorneys will help you hold the liable parties accountable with a wrongful death action. 

To make sure that all of our clients are able to access our high-quality services, we only charge you if we win your case.

To schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options following an oil rig blowout or burn injury, contact our injury lawyers at (713) 496-0504.

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